Join Mevanya for a truly unique experience in some of the most breathtaking, vivid and spacial places around the world.
Each journey combines conscious work in real life, balanced out and integrated in a real life journey on one of our continents. Outside of the box of a training, not in a center and closed room but very much in your real life, this journey brings you closer to the still not fully integrated truths of your inner journey. In a light and unbound container, where you’d decide what you wanna do today, mevanyas work but very much your inner guides themselves is the guiding force through and above the obstacles of your life.
Be amazed by unbelievable nature, fun experiences, connection to the wild and animals, true weather inside and out and see the facets within you being mirrored in a landscape like no other.
This journey will guide you through Madagascar. A land full of surprises that holds so many treasures that nowhere else can be found.
Go on wild rides, seaside stays, honeymoon like holiday, crazy treks and untouched nature walks with the possibility to connect deeper than ever before!
Madagascar is home to hundreds and thousands of species that are exclusively living on this island. 80% of Madagascar’s plant and animal wildlife is unique to this island and is found only here on earth, like the fossa. Being the fourths biggest island in size on our planet, it holds different climate zones, completely different landscapes and soil and extremely different weather situations.
A mix of nations from all around the world found in Madagascar a home yet no racism has a place here. Highly spiritual with ancient rites this land and its habitants hold so much inspiration and wisdom, raw nature and a sense of truly living colours. Seeing Madagascar as our mirror and anything that meets us as actual parts of ourselves, this journey invites you to see the true connection between all beings and everything that is.
On this journey you will explore the mideastern area around the capital, the vivid capital itself, down southwest through national park and authentic local terrain to the west coast between north and south. Finally we add a bit of paradise to the pot by stopping by on several islands in the north to see a bit of a holiday and the beauty in relaxation and calm. Soak in the combination of those lush green hills, true wild life on land and in the sea, turquoise waters and white sandy beaches.
Enter a truly unique holiday, travel with soul, arriving within the land of home.
Who’d ask for the program of their life? This journey is about you being. There is no daily guidance, no-one taking all the decisions for you but a truly unique holiday, a journey and a journey. Being all that you are you will enter a flow of truths, having the pillars of:
…there’s nothing to plan but to truly be.
Accommodation will be accordingly to the energy of the group, yet with consideration of safety and a lush experience of different vibes like:
Wonder and be with mevanya, check in where you need to check in, sing on the streets of Tana, hike the mountains of your life, plant trees and root within yourself, sound heal with lemurs and cuddle with turtles*. Explore yourself in solitude and company, on long and short rides through emotions, projects, issues and fun. Be all that you are – as connected or as solo as you want to be, and be never alone in that.
The group size will not exceed 4 people for this experience.
*this text uses poetic language and plays with meanings. Please do not even try to touch wildlife animals on land or the in the sea 😉
Free of charge for beings inside The Voyage
from 8800€ incl. VAT (rate can slightly vary depending on available flights)
Depending on availability of every pillar. Earliest departure end of January 20 and latest return mid March
Packing Lists and what to know will be shared with registered participants only. Before registering please inform yourself about:
…if you want to journey, write us at
or call mevanya directly, if you have her number 😉